The New Online Game Google Feud Will …

Have you ever typed a query in Google and then had to stop to laugh madly at the auto-complete? Or perhaps, you just played around with different phrases to see what the search engine brings up? Typing a simple phrase, like “my wife” into Google’s search box can bring up all sorts of unexpected results from “is a gangster” to “hates me”. Google must have noticed the fun in this and has decided to use the phenomenon in the best way possible – which resulted in a highly entertaining and incredibly addictive online game, known as Google Feud.

Based on a similar scenario with Family Feud, the game will start off by letting you pick one of the four categories – namely: Culture, People, Names, Questions. Upon choosing a category, you will be presented with a search query. For instance, “the iPhone 6 is a …”. You will then need to play the part of Google auto-complete and finish the query with what you believe most online users would be looking for.

There will be 10 slots for the right answers below, starting from number one (the most popular) to number 10 (the least popular out of the group). If your answer does not fit into the top ten – you lose a life (you are getting three of those). As simple as the plot is, there are lots of surprises and laughs ahead – as certain search endings will have you scratching your head and wondering what this world is coming to.

Let’s take a closer look at the categories.

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In Culture, you will get starters like “recipe for…” or “Obama is from…”. The top answers may surprise you, as we learnt – spoiler alert – that the most widely searched recipe online is for chili.

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In People, you will be presented with scenarios like “I think my mom is…” or “how to get rid of …” – basically, the typical kind of questions people might be interested when they are bored and have an Internet connection.

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In Names, you will be surprised to find out that the name “Anthony” is most often searched for in the combination “Anthony Yanez” (and not Anthony Hopkins, as I would expect) and that “Arthur George Socks” is apparently a much more popular combo than “Arthur Miller”.

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Last, but by no means least, we have the Questions section – which, true to its name, asks you to complete user questions. From the intriguing beginnings, like “can you die from eating too much…” to the downright scary ones like “why does my arm…”, you will have lots of fun predicting what could be on people’s mind when making that Google search.

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As fun as the game is, it may also a great way to improve your search-savviness and get in touch with what really interests those around us. And if you work in marketing or advertising, the game may also be a new and slightly unconventional way to test how well you understand your customers – namely, what words, phrases and combinations they use most often and how you could use that for the benefit of your upcoming campaign.

The game is easy to play and could make a wonderful party favor. True, there is no multiplayer version just yet, but we sincerely hope that Google does not stop here and, with so much interest in the game, there will be further versions and upgrades in the nearest future. However, before pulling up the game on a big screen at the next birthday party, make sure you have read the warning on the front page – ” Beware, certain results may be offensive or/and incomprehensible”.


If you want to play visit http://www.googlefeud.com/ or if your looking for a phone or tablet to play on the go then check out Mitzen.ca for some great options.

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