Silicone Straws for a better tomorrow

Many scientists have agreed that we as humans have a mere 20 years to rethink our management of our environment before the level of damage becomes irreversible. The link between plastic pollution and climate change should become more apparent as both are of breathtaking significance in terms of the billions/trillions of dollars people will increasingly be forced to pay toward their mitigation and repair. You might say plastic pollution is the stepmother of all economic externalities.

Except for the small amount of plastics derived from plant-based feedstocks, plastics are made from fossil fuels like oil and natural gas, which release toxic emissions when extracted from the earth. Drilling puts pollutants such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, benzene, ozone and others into the air. Methane gas can leak during production, which causes even worse greenhouse effects than carbon dioxide. A 2017 study found that 79% of all the plastic humans have produced has ended up either in landfills or in nature. In 2010 alone, up to 12 million metric tons were dumped into the world’s oceans, the study found.

Which is why corporations are starting to ban certain single use plastics as a way to curb the effect they have on our planet. Sobeys in Canada has agreed to ban plastic bags from their stores in the coming months. Others such as popular fast food chain A&W have banned plastic straws from all of their locations, Opting to provide straws made of recycled paper as an biodegradable, eco friendly alternative.

Mitzen.ca hopes to go one better by providing every one with their own collapsible Silicone Straw. For everyone that sees this blog post Click Here for your free straw.

If by chance you don’t like Free stuff or want to purchase straws for family and friends. You can purchase our collapsible straws here.

Now that that’s out of the way. We want to know, Do you think you can give up plastic straws in favor or your own personal straw? Tick the poll or leave a comment below.

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