Protect yourself during the Coronavirus outbreak Covid-19

If you have been following the recent news your have no doubt heard about the coronavirus outbreak. Many people, ourselves included have been seeking to arm ourselves with knowledge, so we can best protect our families and mitigate our risk of contracting the virus.

How coronavirus spreads

From what we understand covid- 19 can be highly infections causing infections of the nose, throat and lungs. They are most commonly spread from an infected person through:

  • respiratory droplets generated when you cough or sneeze
  • close, prolonged personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands
  • touching something with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes before washing your hands

Protecting yourself from the Coronavirus

Wear a face mask

Coronavirus is highly infectious and despite what authorities may say, the possibility of transmission of the virus is all to prevalent in today’s society. When the virus can be absorbed through your skin through the saliva of an infected person who may be an unwitting carrier. Wearing an protective mask or face guard, can be an effective way to protect yourself from the coronavirus, or further the spread if you are a carrier yourself.

Wear Gloves

If you travel in public, you can never be too careful the virus can be lurking on door handles and handrails if you use public transportation wear gloves to remove the risk of contracting covid-19 through contact with an infected object such as a handrail or door knob.

Use Hand Sanatizer

Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. It is a good idea to always keep some with you when you travel. 90% alcohol is highly flammable, but kills many kinds of viruses, including the flu virus, the common cold virus, and HIV, though.

Use UV Light to kill bacteria

Portable UV sanitizer
Portable UV sanitizer

It has been shown that Covid-19 can live up to 96 hours on your phone. Using a UV sterilizing light can disinfect your phone, jewelry or any items that you contact on a regular basis, can help protect you from corvid-19. Another study found that the average person picked up their phone 2,600 times per day.  All the more reason to ensure your phone is free of any contaminants that could make you sick.

These tools along with regular hand washing can help prevent the spread of covid-19. As most cities around the world have now been exposed to the virus, it’s important to remember that we need to keep the youngest and oldest of our population safe. This article was not intended to point to any person as a specific carrier of the disease, but merely to provide education and tools we can use to protect ourselves during this time. If you have any questions, or want to make a suggestion please leave a comment below.

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