Are We in the midst of an AI Revolution? How will it affect your life?

In the current age of information it seems that three things can be certain in life: death, taxes and technological evolution.  In this era of tough competition, rapid changes and fast adaptation, the rate of technological evolution has also increased.

The latest technology which you are using now will become outdated in the upcoming six months and this is just an average rate of the lighting fast evolution. Such drastic technological evolution has given birth to many new inventions and one such invention which will soon revolutionize our lives and change our way of working is artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence has now entered into our daily life, from Siri to Google Maps, everything is based on the artificial intelligence. But still, the concept of artificial intelligence is in the infancy stage because AI is much more than just voice detection technology, suggestive searches, and autonomous cars.

So, in this blog post, we will be looking at how artificial intelligence will revolutionize our life.



There are too many dangerous jobs which need to be automated and the idea of automatizing dangerous jobs can be seen in risky job profiles such as bomb diffusing.Although the robots used in bomb diffusing aren’t actually a robot, still it’s a part of AI and we could see some better integration of AI and dangerous jobs such as bomb diffusion in the near future.

Another example of automation in the risky job is welding where toxic substances can affect humans. But now automation in the welding can be seen as robotic welding cells are already in use. So, in the near future, humans will not have to take dangerous jobs as they will get fully automated with the help of AI.


Accurate weather prediction will not only save crops and resources but it will also help to save many lives as well. But accurate weather prediction can prove to be tricky because one has to go through a very large amount of data. Therefore, the use of AI in weather prediction is proving to be very beneficial as it can hold and analyze a large amount of data and can give a better picture of the upcoming storm, hurricane or any other weather alert. NASA is also developing a program which will help aircrafts to avoid bad weather.


Although the value of human relationship can never be replaced by anything else but with the evolution of technology and the growth of artificial intelligence, robots becoming friends with humans doesn’t look like a fantasy now. The most prominent example of robot friend is Pepper, the humanoid robot from Softbank robotics. This highly advances robot can read emotions which is a great step towards making robots a good friend of humans and soon we will be seeing humans searching for a humanoid robot as a friend rather than an actual human.

Household Chores

Although we aren’t living in sky-rising Jetsons apartment yet the household automation has traveled a long road of evolution and we are currently at a stage where we can see robots doing most of the household chores in near future. Talking about the automation of the household chores in the current scenario, there are number of robots like iRobot Roomba 980(vacuuming robot), Robomow (robotic lawn mower), iRobot Braava jet 240 (mopping robot), which can perform the basic tasks of household chores like vacuuming, lawn mowing, mopping etc.

Space Exploration

Artificial Intelligence will play a major role in scape exploration. The use of unmanned shuttles, rovers, and probes to explore distant planets and galaxies is already being implemented by NASA. Many recent discoveries on the planet Mars has been made possible because of the use of artificial intelligence because on such planets, where unfavorable conditions make human exploration impossible.


Artificial intelligence is also used for the purpose of security. The application of AI for the purpose of security can be seen in the automated homes where there are various levels of security systems are installed, which can detect a breach or any other suspected activity and can inform it to the owner of the house on a real-time basis. Another example of AI for security can be seen in the U.S Department of homeland security where various AI technologies are used for making the nation safe.

Artificial Intelligence is one of the most fruitful technological evolutions which will transform the world completely. In addition to making things easy for humans, it will also allow us to do things which were unimaginable till now. For example, exploring the planet Mars, which wouldn’t have been possible without the implementation of AI in space exploration.

Although many people are talking loss of jobs due to automation, you need to understand that everything in the world can’t be automated and the introduction of AI will still need human assistance. So it doesn’t matter how rapidly the AI will evolve, the job loss caused due to it will not eliminate the need for the human brain.


What are your thoughts on AI? How do you think it will Challenge or Change? Comment below!

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