Great Scott! The Hover Board Is Real. Do you know what this means ?

In 1989 I watched Marty Mcfly get into a Doc Brown’s Delorian time machine and go “Back to The Future”. In that film Marty and Doc traveled to the 21st of October 2015 where they encountered some great and inspiring technologies, such as the hover board, which just looked awesome, even if it appeared slightly impossible.

Well, I’m excited to learn that what I once thought was impossible is, in fact, very possible. It is hoped that this will be commercially available in about 1 year’s time. Great Scott!


Hendo is a Californian start-up which was founded by Greg and Jill Henderson, and they were able to develop a hoverboard by using 4 disc shaped hover engines to create a magnetic field that pushes against itself to generate lift, by adjusting this magnetic field the direction can be control. The Hendo hoverboard can’t work over any suffice and only operates over non-ferromagnetic conducting surfaces, in other words metal.


So, While the Hendo Hoverboard isn’t quite as cool as the one from the 2015 in Back To The Future it’s certainly getting a lot of attention and quite rightly so.

As a proof of concept the prototype looks promising and the company behind it is hoping to raise a quarter of a million dollars from Kickstater,  they believe this will enable them to bring the highly ambitious, fully working hover board to market in time for Marty Mcfly and Doc Brown’s arrival on the 21st of October 2015. Now all we need are self drying jackets and those fancy auto lacing trainers.

While we don’t have any hover boards at mïtzen.ca we do have some awesome electric forms of transport such as the ‘Solowheel’ that, while not hovering will give you a great sense of gliding over the ground.

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