Bixby vs Siri vs Google Assistant – The Best Virtual Assistant Showdown?

With the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus Android smartphones, Samsung has announced Bixby – the company’s own virtual assistant that is about to take on Google Assistant from Google and Siri Apple’s own Virtual Assistant AI. As a new software feature in the market that has to deal with many large competitors, the question is: Does Bixby stand a chance against its competition?

Based on the information we’ve got so far about Bixby it can be stated that it’s true the software will be a voice-powered intelligent agent comparable with Siri and Google Assistant. However, when Samsung developed it, the company did not just simply copy an already existing idea. Instead, Bixby is expected to come with an abundance of new and innovative features that will turn it into the first phone assistant that actually can be considered useful.

Unlike its competitors, Bixby will not simply be a search engine. Although it is capable of helping you find nearby locations and other critical information that you are looking for, this intelligent agent is capable of doing so much more.

The real difference comes in the form that Bixby is a smart software that ‘’studies’’ your online and offline smartphone usage habits. Based on the required information, Bixby will then be able to provide you with useful suggestions and support you in everyday tasks.

At Mitzen.ca we know that the promise of a self-learning machine has been made many times before, however, Bixby might actually be into something. Once it has learned about your user habits, it can offer contextual suggestions and information on your smartphone’s home screen.

The learning process followed by Bixby is done through analyzing what actions follow a specific task or question. By doing so, this virtual assistant is capable of anticipating what you want to do next. For instance, whenever you’d like to send your current location to a friend of family member, you can simply ask Bixby to share your location and send it to a certain person. After analyzing your previous behavior, the virtual assistant will now understand what you mean and will thus complete your requests without any further delay. Unlike its competitors that refuse to take action when they do not understand a command – whenever Bixby does not understand the entire task, it will always take you halfway the journey by completing the part it does understand.

Although still in its beginning phase, this virtual assistant is expected to develop throughout time. After all, it’s a self-learning software that is continuously growing smarter and thus understanding more of your demands. In the future, Bixby might make it possible to control your entire smartphone by voice – making touch-based interactions unnecessary.

Other unique features Bixby comes with that its competitors lack are its dedicated software button and innovative vision button. The latter can be used to scan an object that you like to find out more about, and then find it automatically online without needing to type or speak a command. Additionally, Bixby can be integrated with both native and third-party apps – making it a useful platform no matter the type of smartphone or operating system you’re using. This latest feature truly sets it apart from its competition as these virtual assistants are only able to work with native applications.

All together, Bixby looks like a very promising software feature that is expected to bring along great efficiency for its users. Whether it will also outperform its competitors that already have a strong presence in the market is, however, a question that remains to be answered.

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